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A DBT Diary Card is a tool used in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to track and manage emotions, behaviors, and skills. It is designed to help you identify patterns in your behavior and emotions, and increase your awareness of how your actions and thoughts affect your well-being.

The structure of the DBT Diary Card includes several sections:

  • Target Behavior: This section is used to identify a specific behavior or event that you want to track.

  • Details of Event: This section is used to provide more information about the event or behavior, including the time, location, and any relevant details.

  • Risk: This section is used to identify any potential risks associated with the behavior or event, such as self-harm or conflict with others.

  • Emotions: This section is used to track your emotions related to the event or behavior, using a rating scale to indicate the intensity of the emotion.

  • Skills Used: This section is used to track the skills that you used to manage the emotion or behavior, such as mindfulness techniques or communication skills.

It is important to consistently fill out a DBT Diary Card every day because it helps you to:

  • Increase your emotional regulation and mindfulness by tracking your emotions and behaviors over time.
  • Identify patterns in your behavior and emotions that may be contributing to problems in your life.
  • Target specific behaviors for change by identifying patterns and trends.
  • Increase your awareness of how your actions and thoughts affect your well-being.
  • Enhance the effectiveness of therapy by providing a clear and structured way to discuss your progress with your therapist.

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